Photo of the Day: 2.9.2011 – Stormy Sunrise – St.Thomas, USVI. August 2006


Photo of the Day: 2.9.2011 – Stormy Sunrise –  St.Thomas, 2006

I woke up around 4am and was extremely pleased to see thunderstorm activity over the ocean. I anticipated a super sunrise so I left the resort and headed to the beautiful beaches on St. Thomas’ southeastern coast. I started off with lightning shots before dawn started to make its presence known, but It wasn’t until the storm passed less than two miles south of my position that things started getting interesting. The isolated thunderstorm became illuminated by the light of dawn, and was accompanied by lightning once again pouring out of the now glowing yellow, red, orange, purple and pink storm. The only problem was the pain and agony I was experiencing while taking these photos. I was being attacked by what is locally called No-Se-Um or Vampire Bugs. The bite of a sand flea really feels like the sting of a bee. It will leave big red dots and whitish welts wherever you have been hit. I had hundreds of welts on my legs, so please enjoy this picture!

Shenandoah: Land of Change


Shenandoah National Park

I have been traveling to the mountains of Shenandoah National Park  for over 10 years now ang each time I go to the park it has something new to offer me.  Beauty seems to peak out of every crack in the ground and through every gap in the trees and all  in ways of which you have never seem. The colors in Big Meadows this particular morning  have never appeared so vibrant and alive.  I spent just over 24hours in the park and captures over 1,000 frames… more to come soon…….

This image was taken during sunrise October 25th, 2009